Saturday, February 6, 2010

Postcard from the Mountaintop

Hello from beautiful Friday Harbor, WA!

I am here with mentoress Cat Bordhi and assorted other luminaries of the knitting world at the self publishing retreat that has happened every year for the last six years. I am destressing, thinking, knitting and sketching new designs in a rather mad fashion. I feel there is so much to do and so little time, but here in this timeless beautiful place life goes at a different pace and to a different rhythm.

I am here until Wednesday, then on to Madrona Fiber Arts Retreat, where I am teaching a class on Diamond Fantasy. I will be testing the waters by presenting some new ideas about "intuitive" knitting. .That's all I can say for now, but I am looking forward to seeing how the class receives my new ideas and methods.

The Diamond Fantasy was one of my first patterns and is still one of my favorites. It has a lovely rhythm and a very satisfying structure that has enough variety and enough sameness to keep a knitter's interest indefinitely. I wish I had time to knit hundreds of Diamond Fantasies.

May all of you find your knitting rhythm today...


Kim said...

When you get a chance - I would love to hear more about your "intuitive knititng." Have a great time!

Katie K said...

I agree. It's a brilliant pattern, and when I knit it, I found that lifelines were essential.

buy fabric hammock said...

its very it

Linda said...

I loved knitting the Diamond Fantasy shawl. It is one of the few patterns that I have really enjoyed knitting and totally loved the end product. Thank you.